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How to make the conductivity electrode service life longer

2022-11-29 Source:MEM POT

The conductivity tester is a multi-range instrument that can be used for testing applications ranging from deionized water to seawater. The instrument provides automatic temperature compensation and can set the temperature coefficient, so it can be used to measure liquid samples with a temperature coefficient different from that of water. It can provide three ranges and has range automatic selection function, can automatically select the appropriate range during the detection.

In order to ensure the measurement accuracy of the conductivity instrument, if necessary, the electrode constant should be re-calibrated with the conductivity instrument before the instrument is used. At the same time, the conductivity electrode constant should be calibrated regularly. If there is a large error, the conductance electrode should be replaced in time.

In the measurement of high pure water should avoid pollution, the correct choice of conductivity electrode constant, and the best use of sealed, flow measurement. Otherwise, its conductivity value will quickly increase, because after the carbon dioxide in the air dissolved in the high purity water, it becomes a conductive carbonate ion and affects the measurement value.

Maintenance of electrical conductivity electrode

(1) Storage of conductance electrodes

Bright platinum electrode, platinum black plating platinum electrode (not used for a long time) is generally stored in a dry place, but platinum black plating platinum electrode must be placed in distilled water for several hours before use, often used platinum black electrode can be stored in distilled water.

(2)Cleaning of conductance electrode

①Organic stains on the electrodes can be cleaned with warm water containing detergent or with alcohol.

②Calcium and magnesium precipitates should be cleaned with 10% citric acid.

③Bright platinum electrode can be mechanically cleaned with a soft brush, but on the surface of the electrode can not produce nicks, absolutely can not use a screwdriver such as hard objects to remove the electrode surface, even when cleaning with a soft brush should pay special attention to.

④For platinum electrodes coated with platinum black, only chemical cleaning, cleaning with a soft brush will destroy the plating on the electrode surface (platinum black). In short, if the laboratory researchers can correctly use the pH electrode and conductance electrode, and do the daily maintenance and maintenance of the electrode, it can not only extend the service life of the electrode, but also greatly reduce the measurement error of the pH meter and conductivity meter, so as to improve the accuracy and reliability of the chemical experiment and inspection data.