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Inductive concentration electrodeDigital ion electrodeDigital residual chlorine electrodeHigh range on-line residual chlorine analyzerDigital pH electrodeDigital ORP electrode

Location: Home > Cases > Surface Water >Zhejiang Zhoushan use site

Zhejiang Zhoushan use site

Installation time:2022.8
Installation location: Three river sections in a city of Yunnan
Monitoring factors: COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, ph, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature
Installation instruments: high range online residual chlorine analyzer, digital online ion electrode, ORP electrode, pH electrode, graphite conductivity electrode, etc

As the national environmental protection policy becomes more and more strict, surface water station as an integrated product is more and more widely used in river and lake water quality monitoring. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, PRC, there are 3,646 national surface water environmental quality monitoring sections (hereinafter referred to as State control sections) in China at present, and a very perfect surface water quality pipe network has been established in all major river basins in the country. Under the promotion of "River chief system" and related national policies, provincial and municipal governments at all levels actively set up surface water stations in the surface water catchment departments within the province.

Surface water micro-water quality multi-parameter online monitoring stations usually adopt shore-based method, with small wireless water quality monitoring terminals as the core element, and are arranged on the banks of rivers, reservoirs, lakes and drinking water sources. The monitoring station uses mobile communication as the transmission medium, and takes large-screen display and central server as the data processing and monitoring center to form a comprehensive water environment automatic monitoring network system, so as to achieve the purpose of real-time online monitoring of water quality multi-parameter.

In a rural river in Yinchuan, Ningxia, due to the development of nearby agriculture and aquaculture industry, a large amount of domestic sewage is produced. The sewage is discharged into the nearby river without treatment, which seriously pollures the water quality of the river. Under the circumstance of extreme shortage of water resources in north China, the pollution of surface water quality has seriously affected the residents' domestic water consumption and posed a great threat to the health of local residents.

Surface water micro-water quality multi-parameter online monitoring stations usually adopt shore-based method, with small wireless water quality monitoring terminals as the core element, and are arranged on the banks of rivers, reservoirs, lakes and drinking water sources. The monitoring station uses mobile communication as the transmission medium, and takes large-screen display and central server as the data processing and monitoring center to form a comprehensive water environment automatic monitoring network system, so as to achieve the purpose of real-time online monitoring of water quality multi-parameter.